Constitution and By-Laws


First Christian Church

(Disciples of Christ)

Riverside, California

4055 Jurupa Avenue (at Brockton),
Riverside, CA 92506
(909) 686-0646

Our Constitution and By-Laws were approved by the Official Board (now called the General Board) on August 24, 1994. Both documents were adopted by the Congregation at large on October 2, 1994. The Constitution has been amended once, by vote of the Congregation at large on May 16, 1996 to clarify Article III, Section F regarding eligibility for re-election of an officer who had previously served less than a full term.



The First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)

Riverside, California


We, the members of The First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Riverside, California, in order to promote the work of the Church in the spirit of Christ and thus advance His kingdom, do hereby adopt this constitution and by-laws.

Article I - Name and Purpose.

Section A. Name

The name of the organization shall be The First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Riverside, California. It is to be affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada, and The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Pacific Southwest Region. It is incorporated under the laws of the State of California.

Section B. Statement of Faith

As members of The Christian Church, we confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and proclaim him Lord and Savior of the world. In Christ's name and by His grace, we accept our mission of witness and service to all people. Through baptism into Christ we enter into newness of life and are made one with the whole people of God. In the communion of the Holy Spirit we are joined together in discipleship and in obedience to Christ.

Section C. Statement of Purpose

God has called us to this place to build a community in which all can grow in Christian faith and action; to reach out to all who need God's love and support.

Article II - Membership.

The membership of the Congregation shall consist of those who are now members and those who shall unite with it by confession of faith or by transfer of membership from another congregation. Membership is for an indefinite period of time, and is continued by regular attendance, service, and giving. Active membership is terminated by transfer of membership to another congregation, written request of the member, or by extended inactivity.

Article III - Governance

Section A. Principles

In keeping with the historic traditions and the policy of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the fundamental governance of the church is entrusted to the Congregation, meeting in open assembly. All related boards, organizations, fellowship groups, departments, or other agencies shall be responsible to and shall report to the Congregation annually.

Section B. Congregational Meetings.

The Congregation shall hold all-church assemblies at least once a year for the purpose of electing officers, hearing the reports of the past year's accomplishments, approval of program and budget for the coming year, and other items of business. Additional congregational meetings may be held on the call of the Moderator (see Section C) to vote on those items of business which require congregational approval. A Special Meeting must be held if petitioned by six or more members of the Congregation. A Special Meeting must be announced to the Congregation at least two Sundays before it is held.

Section C. Elected Representatives.

The Congregation shall elect four General Officers (Moderator, Vice-Moderator, Secretary, and Treasurer), three Board Members-at-Large, and members of two Auxiliary Boards (Elders and Diaconate).

Salaried employees of the Church may not serve as members on the Election, Personnel, or Memorial and Bequests Committees; however, they may serve as non-voting, ex-officio members on any other Board, Ministry Group, or ad hoc group.

The Congregation may also elect Life or Emeritus members of the Auxiliary Boards to actively continue to serve as members and to serve in advisory capacities.

Section D. The General Board.
1. The General Board of the Congregation shall be composed of the General Officers of the Congregation (Moderator, Vice-Moderator, Secretary, and Treasurer), the Chairpersons of the Auxiliary Boards, Ministry, and Fellowship Groups, three Congregational Members-at-Large, and the Minister as a non-voting, ex-officio member(s).
2. The purpose of the General Board is to administer the corporate affairs of the Congregation in accordance with the authority granted to it by this Constitution or delegated to it by specific actions of the Congregation. It shall be responsible to:
a. Study the needs, general will, and objectives of the Congregation and formulate policies and specific goals which will advance these needs;
b. provide vision and leadership in carrying out the mission of the Church;
c. administer the program of the Congregation;
d. and encourage the fulfillment of objectives established by the various Auxiliary Boards and Fellowship Groups.
3. The General Board shall assure that all Auxiliary Boards, Fellowship Groups, and standing committees shall establish internal Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) as necessary. Such policies and procedures shall be approved by the General Board and maintained on file as part of the official record. Changes in SOP shall be ratified by the General Board.

Section E. Trustees.

The General Officers shall serve as the legal Trustees of the Congregation.

Section F. Terms of Office.

The General Officers, Chairpersons, and Members-at-large shall serve two-year terms. The members of the Auxiliary Boards shall serve three-year terms with at least one-third of the respective members being elected each year. No elected representative is eligible for re-election to the same office until one year has elapsed since last serving in that position, with the exception of those who have served as replacements for less than one half of a regular term. All members of the Congregation regardless of gender, ethnic background, or handicap are eligible to serve as elected representatives, provided that he/she is at least twelve (12) years of age. Elected representatives shall possess a willing spirit and a desire to serve.

Current Official Board members shall stay in office until their successors are elected and installed into office.

Section G. Election Committee.

A representative Election Committee of at least five (5) members and the minister (ex-officio ) shall be appointed by the Moderator to serve for a term of two years. Upon appointment, the names of the members of the Election Committee shall be published.

1. The Election Committee shall have the responsibility to:
(a) encourage members of the Congregation to serve in leadership positions;
(b) develop procedures for the conduct and supervision of elections, including ballot preparation, tabulation, and reporting of results;
(c) insure that adequate publicity is given to elections and candidates in sufficient time so that members may vote conscientiously;
2. Individuals who wish to serve in leadership capacities may indicate their interest to members of the Election Committee. Any Congregational member may recommend candidates to the Committee.
3. Nominations must be approved by 4/5 of the entire Election Committee.
4. Through solicitation and the use of volunteer or recommended candidates, the Election Committee shall select at least one person to be nominated for each vacant position as heretofore established in Article III, Section C. The consent of the nominee must be obtained before that nominee's name can be placed on the ballot.
5. Vacancies which occur between annual elections may be filled by nomination by the Election Committee and election by the General Board.
6. The ballot shall contain vacant spaces for write-in candidates.

Section H. Personnel Committee.

A Personnel Committee composed of five (5) members, one of whom will be a member of the General Board and one of whom shall be an Elder, will be appointed by the Moderator to serve for a term of two years. The Committee shall be responsible for the recruitment, hiring, and dismissal of non-ordained church employees to include: the church secretary, organist, choir director, church custodian, gardener, nursery personnel, and other positions as duly authorized and budgeted by the Congregation and its representatives.

The Personnel Committee shall annually review the performance and job descriptions of all church employees. Recommendations for salary changes shall be made at budget time. Employees shall have access to the Personnel Committee for complaints, or other matters concerning their work.

Section I. Memorials and Bequests Committee.

A Memorials and Bequests Committee shall be appointed as a standing committee by the Moderator. The Memorials and Bequests Committee shall be composed of five (5) members, one of whom shall be the Treasurer. Four members-at-large shall serve a term of four years, one to be appointed each year. The Moderator shall name the Committee Chair and all appointments shall be ratified by the General Board.

The purpose of the Committee is to supervise and administer donations received as Memorials and Bequests.

Article IV. The Minister(s).

Section A. Duties.

1. The minister(s) shall perform the normal pastoral duties which usually pertain to the office and, as administrator(s), shall be ex-officio member(s) of all organized groups, auxiliaries and committees by virtue of office.
2. The minister(s) shall:
(a) Provide direction to the Congregation's programs, execute policies formulated by the Congregation through its elected bodies, and exercise general supervision over all other salaried staff members;
(b) counsel with lay leaders as they exercise leadership in their respective roles as representatives of the Congregation; and
(c) look to lay leaders for counsel and support in fulfilling the ministerial role.

Section B. Selection of the Minister(s).

When there is a vacancy in a minister's position, the person to fill that position shall be chosen by the Congregation in the following manner:

1. A representative committee of at least five (5) persons shall be appointed by the Moderator to serve as a Pulpit Committee.
2. The Pulpit Committee shall use assessment devices, ministerial profile surveys, listening conferences and other devices to identify the general type of ministry needed.
3. The Pulpit Committee shall utilize the services of the Regional Minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and other consultants from within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to obtain information about prospective candidates.
4. The Pulpit Committee shall review prospective candidates by various means, including visits and interviews. Providing the candidate is interested, the Pulpit Committee shall present its selection to the General Board.
5. The General Board shall consider the recommendation of the Pulpit Committee and, if approved by ninety percent (90%) of those members present and voting, shall recommend the prospective minister to the Congregation.
6. If the recommendation of the General Board is accepted by ninety percent (90%) of the members present and voting in a regular or special business meeting of the Congregation, a call may be extended to the ministerial candidate.
7. The term of the ministry shall be for an indefinite period and may be terminated by either part upon sixty (60) days notice or by mutual consent. A written statement setting forth the terms of the call, including the salary to be paid and other conditions (of the call) shall be made in duplicate, one copy to the minister and one for the Congregation's records.

Section C. Pastoral Relations Committee.

Six persons shall be appointed by the Moderator to serve as a Pastoral Relations Committee. Members shall serve a two-year term with three members appointed each year. Auxiliary Boards and Fellowship Groups shall have representation on this Committee.

The Committee will serve as liaison between minister(s) and people. The goal of the Committee will be to strengthen the pastoral ministry by providing feedback, counsel, and support to the minister(s). Congregation members are expected to share joys and concerns relative to the minister(s) with Committee members who will assimilate them into developmental dialogues with the minister(s).

Article V. Amendments.

This constitution may be amended or revised at any business meeting of the Congregation by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, provided written notice of the proposed amendments or revisions have been made given to the Congregation at least 14 days prior to the time the vote is to be taken.

Article VI. Implementing Resolution.

[This Article to be deleted after enactment]

Upon implementation of all or most of the sections of this Constitution and By-Laws the Moderator of the Board, at his/her discretion, recommends that the Board give final approval for this Constitution and By-Laws to become the governing document.



The First Christian Church Of Riverside
(Disciples of Christ)
Riverside, California 92506

I. The Church Year

The Congregation shall begin its fiscal and program year on July 1.

II. Meetings

Planning and congregational meetings shall be held during each year as required.

III. General Board procedures

The General Board shall:

1. Hold regular meetings at least quarterly.
2. Hold special meetings as needed on the call of the Moderator or upon request of six (6) or more members of the General Board. No business shall be considered at a special meeting of the Board except that for which the meeting was called.
3. Accept votes from members of the Congregation when they have been designated as proxy members by an absent, voting member of the Board, provided that the Moderator has been notified in advance of the substitution.
4. Consider two-thirds of the members of the Board or their designated proxies as constituting a quorum at board meetings.
5. Conduct its business on an agenda developed from the needs of the Congregation and Auxiliary Boards in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order except in cases that conflict with the Constitution or By-Laws of the Congregation.
6. Establish standing committees that will include the Personnel, Pastoral Relations, and other such ad hoc committees as required to meet the needs and to satisfy the goals and objectives of the Congregation.
7. The General Board shall hold an annual planning conference in order to plan the implementation of the Congregation's programs for the following year. At this time, the goals and objectives for the year will be refined, strategies developed and responsibilities determined.
8. Be responsible for the administration of Ministry Groups and ad hoc groups.

IV. Ministry Groups

Program activities of the Congregation shall be administered by the General Board through Ministry Groups: e.g., Pastoral Care, Worship and Arts, Education and Youth, Outreach, Stewardship, Child Development, Building and Grounds, and other groups as determined necessary to fulfill the objectives of the Congregation.

1. The Pastoral Care Ministry would oversee activities which pertain to the personal well-being of members and friends of the Congregation through various kinds of calling, membership cultivation, and evangelism.
2. The Worship and Arts Ministry would oversee the public worship of the Congregation, including planning, conduct, and evaluation of regular and special services, programs, seasonal emphases, and other events designed to heighten the sense of God's presence.
3. The Education and Youth Ministry would oversee the conduct of Sunday and weekday educational activities for all ages, e.g. Bible Studies, Logos, Vacation Church School, and adult retreats.
4. The Outreach Ministry would oversee the education of the Congregation in outreach concerns, encouraging support of local, regional, and worldwide mission causes of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) as well as its ecumenical partners. It also shall develop tangible commitment among the membership to the causes of peace and justice (Shalom Congregation emphases).
5. The Stewardship Ministry would oversee the financial matters of the church, acting with the Treasurer to develop and administer the Congregation budget, conduct the annual pledge drive, and provide for the continued education of the membership with respect to their stewardship responsibilities.
6. The Child Development Ministry would oversee the operation of the Pre-School Center for infants, toddlers, and pre-school children, functioning as a school board in relation to the professional staff of the center. The Chair of the Child Development Ministry will serve as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Child Care Center.
7. The Building and Grounds Ministry would oversee the maintenance and improvement of the Congregation's facilities.

V. Fellowship Groups.

The Congregation shall maintain fellowship groups for the purposes of study, fellowship, and service; however, Fellowship Groups as defined for the purpose of establishing General Board membership shall currently be the Christian Women's Fellowship and the Christian Youth Fellowship.

Any changes shall be approved by the General Board.

VI. Duties of the Elected Representatives.

1. The Moderator shall call and preside at all regular or special business meetings of the Congregation and of the General Board, and shall appoint standing committees.
2. The Vice Moderator shall preside, in the absence of the Moderator, at all regular or special business meetings of the Congregation and of the General Board.
3. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all regular or special business meetings of the Congregation and of the General Board.
4. The Treasurer shall establish and supervise procedures for the receipt and disbursement of the Congregation's funds, maintain the proper accounts, and prepare the necessary reports to members, the General Board, and appropriate governmental agencies.
5. The Elders shall promote the spiritual growth and welfare of the Congregation, encourage regular attendance at worship, visitation of the sick and concern for the uncommitted; give thoughtful consideration to policies of the Congregation which enable it to fulfill its mission; encourage by example and word the missionary, evangelistic, educational, and stewardship responsibilities of the Congregation; and serve at the Lord's Table. The Elders shall be the committee on pulpit supply for all Church services when the minister(s) is on vacation or unavailable.
6. The Diaconate shall cooperate with the others in promoting the growth and welfare of the Congregation. They shall assist in greeting worshipers, preparation and distribution of the Lord's Supper, receiving the offerings, visitation, and preparation of candidates for baptism. They shall give counsel and service in the business affairs and program activities of the Congregation, and cooperate in ministering to the needy.

VII. Amendments

These By-Laws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the General Board by two-thirds of the members present, provided notification of changes have been made available to the membership of the Board at least fourteen (14) days prior to being voted upon.

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