A story from your Global Ministries October 2004

"Remind the people to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all."
Titus 3:2

All for Each Other

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Around Thanksgiving time last year there were two suicide bombings in Istanbul - so senseless, and not common in this country. Nevertheless, these bombings aroused the stereotype of a terrorist-ridden Muslim country. In reality, Turkey has a secular government that is keen to stop terrorist activities, but that doesn't stop the labeling.

It hurts to be on the receiving end of such accusations: to be treated as a member of a category. Stereotypes ignore the multitude of Jews, Christians and Muslims who live the highest aspirations of their traditions - each of which inspires us with its moral vision. Jesus preached love of God and neighbor, and even of enemies. The Qur'an teaches that the taking of one life is the taking of all, and the saving of one life is the saving of all, while morality and justice in the Jewish tradition encourage Jews to help the victims of oppression. If we are aware of Christians who seek peace and reconciliation, then we must also be aware of the Muslims who affirm abundant life for all, and of the many Jews enraged by the treatment of Palestinians.

Let us support each other as we struggle within our traditions to lift up the best we have to offer. Anywhere homes are demolished, countries are invaded, or lives are endangered, let us work creatively for reconciliation; to bring life out of death, and not to despair.

As we share the common cup of World Communion, we pray fo increasing sensitivity and respect for all in our glogal neighborhood.

Missionaries Ken and Betty Frank serve as co-executives of the Near East Mission in Istanbul, Turkey. Both work in ecumenical and interfaith relations.

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